nifty pixels
nifty pixels

About Nifty Pixels

Nifty Pixels is a platform built on Polygon that lets you draw, mint, and sell pixel art NFTs. We're inspired by the simplicity of the 32x32 pixel grid—and we’re curious about what will be created when lots of people, all around the world, are given the same set of tools.

For creators

Our goal is that everyone can be a creator on Nifty Pixels. Being a creator is super easy—just draw your piece with our
pixel art editor
, mint it as an NFT, and list it on the marketplace. You just need to connect your MetaMask wallet so that you can get paid if someone buys your art! When you mint an NFT on Nifty Pixels, it will be shown on your profile page, and will also show up in your OpenSea account (if you have one).

For collectors

To start collecting artwork on Nifty Pixels, you just need a MetaMask wallet that's connected to the Polygon Mainnet and some MATIC, the cryptocurrency used to pay for all transactions on Nifty Pixels. When you buy someone's NFT on Nifty Pixels, the artwork will be shown on your profile page, and will also show up in your OpenSea account (if you have one).

What is the environmental impact of using Nifty Pixels?

Most popular NFT platforms are built on the Ethereum blockchain, which consumes a massive amount of energy per transaction. That’s why we built Nifty Pixels on a different blockchain called Polygon, which uses just 0.002% of the energy of other blockchains like Ethereum. Not only is this better for the environment, it also means way lower gas fees!
Overall, using Nifty Pixels is comparable to the typical activities we do on the internet—creating an NFT on Nifty Pixels uses about the same amount of energy as watching YouTube or Netflix for 20 minutes.

Frequently asked questions


Nifty Pixels is a project by Kat, an artist and designer, and Matt, a musician and engineer. Our team is currently based in California, and we recently left our corporate jobs to explore and play with new technologies. With Nifty Pixels, we wanted to create a fun way for people to create and trade art. You can check out some of our past projects here: Minymon, Harken, Porta Penguin.

Let us know if you have any questions or feedback for Nifty Pixels—just reach out on Twitter!